#Induction Charging
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mikeshouts · 10 months ago
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This Drone Seeks Out Powerlines, Docks Itself To It To Recharge
Amazing development 👍👏🏻👏🏻
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sweet7simple · 8 months ago
Breastfeeding, but make it Cybertronian
I saw a post about how there are strip clubs on Cybertron because the Beast Wars TV show said so. The link to that post is below:
What had my attention was that one of the mechs says that they walk around without their chest plates, "if you know what I mean," which implies that walking around without chest plates might make you half-nude/indecent.
So I thought, is the spark chamber for Cybertronians (the thing protected by chest plates) like breasts for humans? You can let them out in certain cultures, but that's public indecency in a lot of places?
Then I thought about a carrier/foundry trying to breastfeed in a public park, their chest plates split open and a protoform pressed against their spark chamber. But they don't have breasts and protoforms don't need milk, so what's going on?
Then I thought about the incredible source of energy a spark is and how much energy a protoform needs to accomplish their final form.
So I am thinking that protoforms spark-feed by having their whole birth metal pressed against their creator's spark chamber, slurping up that good energy the same way we charge some of our devices: Induction charging. Just by pressing our device against some sort of charging surface.
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(image credit: https://www.infineon.com/cms/en/discoveries/wireless-inductive-charging/)
The idea of full-grown Cybertronians spark-feeding their egg-shaped protoforms hit me so hard in my depraved brain that I sat down and made this post at work.
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(Panel from Transformers: The Holiday Special)
Specifically, this egg-shaped protoform (yes, I know it's a group of scraplets pretending to be a protoform, but it fooled Swerve, so it has to be an accurate representation - let me have this).
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windmill-ghost · 2 years ago
It was about a "fairy tale" land where children would be raised after being visited and then spirited away by tiny dragons. The community was tight-knit and considered to be family, but they were brutally strict in keeping the members in their assigned roles (assigned by which of the multicolored dragons recruited them). I experienced this story by reading a book, then climbing a large tree whose branches formed a series of steps with each step being the story of a different person, the naive youngest ones at the top and the tormented eldest ones at the bottom, and then as a museum that continued spiraling out from the tree. The land had public relations with outsiders and was seen as idyllic but untouchable, and if anyone was able to reach a friend or relative who was taken there, they would usually be shaken and disturbed by how different they acted. One of the older "princes" had just recently died, and they were covering up that it was a suicide. The way they treated the brainwashing/abuse of the members was like... it was the behind-the-scenes to the show that was the fairy tale.
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blanket-hugger · 8 months ago
lots of colleagues spending lots of braincells on "how to prevent cheating at coursework using gpt" while i think this is the one real issue that should concern us as educators (i mean, assuming we don't care about the exploitation/pollution/ethical issues raised by the corporate-US-owned random word god-machine, which I doubt most ppl in my department give a shit about)
like i've never heard anyone arguing against saying/demonstrating "lol it's shit" to students, but official uni policy (here) always prevaricate with "responsible use of AI", colleagues shamelessly writing "responsible/safe ai" in their grants application and a line i've heard from multiple other academics being "it really helps make some documents more professional sometimes though!".
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Market Analysis of Inductive Charging Technology in the Wireless Power Transmission Sector
Inductive charging technology has become one of the key innovations in developing wireless power transmission. It helps respond to the need for a power transfer without physical connectors, hence meeting the need for convenience and efficiency in many industries. The inductive charging market is expected to grow further in the near future due to the evolution in consumer electronics, healthcare, and automotive industries. Key players providing inductive charging are Energizer (US), SAMSUNG (South Korea), Plugless Power Inc. (US), and Ossia Inc. (US).
Applications of Inductive Charging Technology Across Key Industries
Inductive charging technology has applications across a number of sectors. It emerges in the consumers’ electronics in forms such as wearables, smartphones, and earphones. It enhances patient safety in the medical field by being used in implanted technologies, including pacemakers and neurostimulators.  While industrial automation applications use technologies to effect inductive charging to robots and AGVs to reduce time loss, mobile applications include charging EVs using pads or smart roads. It is implemented within appliances and furniture in smart homes and IoT, creating unified energy systems.
AI's Transformative Impact on the Market
Inductive charging systems also benefit from innovative artificial intelligence. With AI's help, Smart power management improves the effectiveness and dependability of equipment by predicting future failures. This integration ensures that devices are charged optimally to eliminate wastage of energy and, at the same time, enhance their operation.
Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=18239226
Inductive Charging Technology Market Dynamics
The proliferation of IoT devices in smart homes, healthcare, and industrial applications requires innovative power solutions. The need for hassle- and cable-free power solutions, as well as the growing usage of electric vehicles (EVs), are some of the factors promoting inductive charging technology in the wireless power transmission sector. However, challenges such as efficiency loss with distance infrastructure costs are still a concern.
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chandupalle · 2 months ago
Market Analysis of Inductive Charging Technology in the Wireless Power Transmission Sector
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wigoutlet · 5 months ago
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castielsupernatural · 3 days ago
ok so two things could happen here
misha and jensen have crazy chemistry on the boys and i am inducted into the community of real person fact re: cockles
misha and jensen have NO chemistry (this one is funnier to me) therefore proving that dean winchester in charge of the jensen vessel was personally lusting after that gay angel proving that dean was played romantically interested in cas SPECIFICALLY for the show and vice versa aka this is how destiel can go canon again
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
words for your dystopian novel
Bad situation
abend, accident, adversity, anarchy, apocalypse, backwash, bad scene, bane, bedlam, bind, blooper, bottleneck, bug, bummer, can of worms, cataclysm, catch, chaos, clog, cobweb, collision, commotion, conflict, contempt, crisis, crunch, damage, deadlock, debacle, decline, deficiency, detriment, difficulty, disadvantage(s), disaster, discomfiture, disorganization, disservice, disturbance, downfall, drag, drawback, duress, emergency, error, exigency/exigence, failing, famine, fiasco, fix, flash point, flip-flop, flotsam, friction, gadfly, hang-up, harm, havoc, hell, histrionics, holdup, hurdle, impasse, impropriety, inconvenience, infirmity, jalopy, jump, lapse, limitation, lose, madhouse, malfunction, maze, mire, misery, misfortune/mishap, mix-up, neglect, nightmare, obstacle, onus, ordeal, pall, pass, pell-mell, pickle, pitfall, plague, poison, press, problem, quagmire, question, restraint, reverse, ruin, scandal, scrape, shambles, showdown, smash, snare, spot, storm, strife, syndrome, tiff, to-do, trap, trouble, turmoil, undoing, uprising, upset, weight, wreck
act of God, bad trip, calamity, cataclysm, crapshoot, curse, dilemma, emergency, hardship, ill, mayhem, peril, risk, seriousness, threat, trouble, violence
accident, break, bummer, chaff, contingency, damnation, destiny, doom, downfall, duty, flip-flop, fortune, future, good, judgment, limbo, lot, misfortune/mishap, outlook, penalty, plague, predestination, setback, suspense, undoing, windfall
abandon, affirmative action, blasphemy, conscience, craft, decadence, delinquency, dirt, enormity, equality, ethics/ethic, excess, faithfulness, falsity, favoritism, good, good will/goodwill, guile, guise, honesty, ideals, imposture, infamy, infraction, iniquity, innocence, liability, loyalty, misbehavior, misconduct, misdeed/ misdemeanor, morals, obscenity, outrage, principle/principles, profanity, responsibility, sacrilege, scandal, score, sin, treachery, trespass, trickery, turpitude, validity, veracity, virtue, wrong
accredit, adduce, advocate, affirmation, allege, announcement, attest, bemoan, bluster, brag, bring out, come clean, crow, declaim, declare, deny, drum into, emphasize, exclaim, exult, gloat, gloss, gush, impute, insist, justify, level, maintain, mockery, overrate, play down, plead, point out, proclaim, promote, pronounce, punctuate, push, rave, retract, rumor, speak out/speak up, state, stress, support, swear, testify, testimony, underscore, vindicate, vouch, whitewash, witness
accede, accredit, acknowledgment, affirm, appoint, approve, assign, back, bar, bless, certify, chicken out, concession, constitute, countenance, crown, dedicate, delegation, disown, enable, endorse, enjoin, entrust, exempt, forgive, induct, invest, lay, let off, make, negate, nominate, notarize, okay, order, overrule, permission, place, prohibit, recall, release, repeal, revoke, spare, subscribe, validate, veto, warrant, witness
abuse, admonition, aspersion, assault, bad-mouth, baste, beef, berate, browbeat, castigate, chasten, chew out, come down on, complaint, condemnation, correct, criticism, critique, cut, damn, debase, denigrate, denunciation, deprecate, deride, detract, diatribe, disparage, dress down, flak, fulminate, gainsay, gird, gripe, grouch, hiss, humiliate, impugn, invective, jaw, knock, lament, lay into, malign, mortify, mug, nag, offense, pick at/pick on, protest, rail, rap, reflection, reprimand, reprove, revile, row, sarcasm, scorn, sit-in, sneer, storm, swear, tell off, upbraid, vituperate
adjure, beckon, behest, bidding, call, charge, command, crave, cross-examine, debrief, demand, direct, enjoin, exact, extortion, grease, importune, inflict, instruct, necessitate, order, petition, query, request, requisition, solicit, squeeze, supplicate, take on
Government action
abdicate, abolition, administer, amnesty, cease-fire, command, depose, dethrone, dominate, enforce, exile, filibuster, override/overrule, reign, run in, second, tax, veto
Government organization
administration, cabinet, capitol, confederacy, cop, court, democracy, dictatorship, empire, government, jury, police/police officer, regime, sovereignty, tyranny
Political action
amnesty, arbitration, campaign, crusade, demonstration, drive, elect, endorse, mutiny, nomination, picket, poll, reaction, revolt, riot, sedition, vote
bar, bind, bound, brake, circumscribe, cocoon, constrain, constrict, control, curb, dam, defer, deferment/deferral, desensitize, embargo, enjoin, expatriate, expulsion, fetters, forbear, gag, grind, hamper, handicap, hem/hem in, hobble, hold back/hold off, impair, imposition, inhibit, keep one’s cool, localize, moderate, obligate, ostracism, prohibit, rein, restrain, retard, shackle, slowdown, squelch, strangle, subdue, suspend, tie/tie up
arms, autograph, beep, capital, charm, code, cue, device, emblem, ensign, flag, flourish, graffiti, handwriting, herald, imprint, indication, John Hancock, landmark, letter, logo, notation, numeral, script, sign, spot, stripe, tag, tick, trademark, type, writing
Excerpted from Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Updated and Expanded 3rd Edition, in Dictionary Form, edited by The Princeton Language Institute.
The above are concepts classified according to subject and usage. It not only helps writers and thinkers to organize their ideas but leads them from those very ideas to the words that can best express them.
It was, in part, created to turn an idea into a specific word. By linking together the main entries that share similar concepts, the index makes possible creative semantic connections between words in our language, stimulating thought and broadening vocabulary. Writing Resources PDFs
Source ⚜ Writing Basics & Refreshers ⚜ On Vocabulary Dystopia ⚜ Dystopian World ⚜ Pain & Violence ⚜ Hate
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kngrose · 3 months ago
includes sevika violet jinx
WARNINGS: 18+, stalking, manipulation, implied violence, implied abuse, toxic relationships, NONCON touching, forced proximity, blackmail, mentions of punishments
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sevika loneliness induction type
Sevika is fiercely loyal to those she associates herself with, and that’s not just anybody. There must be a substance that directly ties her to the cause. And though she’ll never come clean about what the substance is, if she becomes romantically obsessed with you, that loyalty will turn obsessive. She’s a master of control and patience; she’s very practical. Because she’s so calculated, most of her obsessive tendencies will manifest in quiet, almost unnoticed ways.
Her yandere tendencies wouldn’t involve loud outbursts or tantrums. Instead, she would be silently obsessed, methodically planning her moves and slowly, subtly creating a reality where you feel like you can only depend on her. She wouldn’t express her feelings loudly—rather, her obsession would be reflected in small, quiet gestures that make it clear no one else could ever take her place.
Before you two even "met" she was always around. Keeping track of your every move, watching you from a distance, ensuring no one else got too close. She'd follow you, lurking in the shadows, just to make sure no harm came your way—or to make sure you didn’t get too attached to someone else; romantically or platonically. Every time you’d explained the feeling of being watched to your peers, they’d brush it off. “There is nothing unusual about that,” they would say, “look where we live.” You’d suppose they were right. It would feel more strange if you didn’t feel like you were being followed.
Once Sevika finally makes her presence known, anyone who tries to get close to you, even in a friendly manner, will be met with cold, calculating hostility. She will even go as far as to subtly manipulate situations to isolate you from others, all while maintaining the facade of being the perfect ally. She would pay close attention to who you befriended and considered close before deciding who to pluck from your life. And pluck she would. You’ll start to notice slowly but surely that all of your peers have… disappeared. Which is strange; you guys never got into any trouble– you didn’t have any enemies, there’s literally no one who would be singling you all out. “It's dangerous out here,” she’ll say, “It's dangerous and vile and sick. And they couldn't protect themselves.” And she’ll gaze at you, a strange glint in her eyes, “But don't worry. I’ll never let anything happen to you.”
She will use her intelligence and strength not just to protect you, but to shape your perception of her. Sevika is good at reading people, so she will slowly play with your emotions—gently pushing your boundaries little by little. To the point where you feel; like you can’t deny her. Her touches would start to linger too long, in places that friends don't touch. Her gazes were too intense. She’s embracing you, kissing you– calling you names friends don't call each other. Every interaction would feel charged as if she’s marking you as hers in ways that go beyond friendship.
Constantly grabbing at the fat of your thighs, dangerously close to your ass. She’s pulling you into her lap, fondling– much to your displeasure. You’ll tell her, “No, that’s not normal…” You’ll make it known that you don’t see her that way. Do you? But she’ll just shush you, tell you to “Relax.”And as the line between “friend” and “lover” would start to blur, Sevika would be pulling the last seam tightly. She’s got you exactly where she wants you.
She would be able to mask her jealousy with a calm and controlled demeanor, but beneath the surface, she would be seething. If you paid attention to anyone else, she’d nod along with the conversation, but her eyes would be cold, flicking between you and the others with disdain, watching for an opportunity to intervene or manipulate the situation. She’d never directly show how much it bothers her, but when you’re gone, she’d ensure that others get the message; your affection is not to be shared.
Aside from someone trying to deter your attention, if anyone ever tried to harm you, Sevika would always retaliate. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty, and her methods of dealing with threats would be brutal. For her, a threat is a threat, and she would see nothing wrong with taking extreme measures to handle it as soon as the opportunity presents itself. She’s not stupid, she won't just jump the gun. She values patience, which would call for a slow, painful death.
She would be adept at playing on your emotions, making you feel guilty if you ever question her or try to pull away. She might say things like, “I’ve always been there for you, haven’t I? So why would you doubt me now?” using her history of loyalty and support to bind you closer to her, turning any moment of doubt into something you feel you must make up for.
If Sevika truly believes you are the one for her, she would convince herself—and eventually, you—that you were meant to be together. Again, she is fiercely loyal and expects nothing less from you in return. In her eyes, she is the only person who truly understands and appreciates you, so anything else would be a betrayal. Please do not test her patience with this. If Sevika makes it clear to you that she doesn’t want you around anyone else, for any reason, do not be caught around anyone else.
When you make a mistake, which you will know when you've made a mistake, she will just give you this look. The look. The one where you know she's pissed off by just a glance. You’re in luck if you're in public; she won't act on it just yet. And she won't act as soon as you get home, either. I feel like Sevika would wait it out on purpose. By this I mean; If you ever did something that upset her, she would be deathly silent; quietly brooding around you, imposing her size on you in an intimidating way. And I'm not talking about a few hours or a day. I'm talking weeks. And it drives you mad. You’ll be walking on eggshells around her, terrified by the deafening silence. What is she thinking? What is she going to do? And this is all according to her plan. She wants you to think she forgot about it so that when she does exact punishment, it will take you by complete surprise. It’s a mind game. And that’s the first thing she’ll break.
violet self sabotaging type
Vi is fiercely protective, passionate, and can be concerningly impulsive, so pairing this all with yandere tendencies would bring forth a compelling mix of aggression, loyalty, and possessiveness. Let’s start where the root of the issue is; she is incredibly jealous. Unhealthily so. Vi's jealousy wouldn’t just be passive; it would be aggressive and reactive. If anyone even looked at you in a way she didn’t like, she’d be quick to intervene, usually with a punch or a threatening glare. Her jealousy would make her irrationally angry—if you decided to pay attention to someone else, she might lash out in frustration, even if she tries to keep a calm exterior.
Vi’s flirtation might be laced with possessiveness—playful jabs or teasing that has an undercurrent of "don’t you dare look at anyone else" embedded in it. If someone else tries to show affection toward you, she would be quick to remind them, through a sharp glare or a fist to the face, that you’re already taken—and that she’s not afraid to be a little violent to keep it that way.
She’s naturally protective over those she loves, but with you that protectiveness would take a much darker turn. She wouldn’t just defend you from external threats—she would also isolate you from anyone she perceives as a potential rival or distraction. Acquaintances, or even strangers would be seen as obstacles in her path, and she might resort to physical intimidation or threats to keep them at bay. She’s not shy about this either; In fact, more often than not you’ll find out this information firsthand as a witness.
She’s so nosy, omg. She has to know everything. Who you went out with the other night? Was that everyone who was there? Why were you out so long? Where did you all even go? Are you keeping something from her?
She’ll try to shrug this off as her being protective, but her protective nature would cross into obsession. Again, she’s not shy about this. She’s always standing close enough to overhear your conversations, idly breathing down your shoulder and making you and the other person uncomfortable. She’s always be nearby, ready to step in if she feels something is wrong. If you try to go out alone, she'd insist on accompanying you, always finding excuses to be in your personal space.
To most people, She would still appear to be the strong, caring, and honestly reckless person they know, but beneath the surface, she would have an all-consuming obsession with you. Anyone who saw her with you might think you both have a maybe somewhat overbearing, but affectionate relationship. But in truth, Vi would always be calculating, and slowly taking control of your life to ensure that you could never escape her.
She’ll always find a reason to touch you—putting a hand on your shoulder or wrapping an arm around your waist, all while making it clear that no one else is allowed this kind of closeness. The more possessive she gets, the tighter and more lingering her embraces would be, and she wouldn’t tolerate anyone else getting too close.
Vi would use her knowledge of your emotions to manipulate you into doing what she wants. You’re trying to distance yourself? No worries, she’ll be sure to draw you back in with sweet words and kisses you can taste– that always worked in the past. But if not? She’s angry, she’s confused. Why would you want to leave someone who’s so selfless and always ready to fight for you?
She’s guilt-tripping you, reminding you of all the things she’s done for you, how much she’s fought for you, and how no one else cares about you the way she does. And if that doesn’t work? Have fun pulling her out of whatever hole she’s about to dig herself into out of pure spite. Drinking herself into oblivion? Picking fights with any and everyone? Threatening to off herself, for fucks sake.
And if somehow her threatening to end her life doesn't work? That’s fine; just be prepared to clear up the most malicious rumors about yourself. The ones that make people alienate you. They’re spreading like wildfire, there’s no way you’ll be able to have it under control. At that point, who else can you turn to? You’ll have no choice but to worm your way back into the relationship you so desperately wanted to leave. The one person who didn’t turn on you in your time of despair. She’s stubborn and she’s childish and she knows this. But it won't deter her one bit. It’s only when you’re back under her arm that the rumors dissipate like smoke, leaving as quickly as they came. It’ll dawn on you then, where they originated.
jinx delusional type
Jinx is not afraid to harm you. Whether it be mentally, emotionally, or physically. Please understand that she is not above that. She has real psychological issues, so in this relationship being very careful is very vital. It might cost you your life. She is constantly putting you to the test, she wants to see what decisions you’ll make, and how you’ll react under pressure. She might create situations to see if you’ll abandon her or stand by her. If she perceives any kind of betrayal, even a small one, her obsession will deepen, and she will lash out to remind you of her hold on you.
She’ll do little things like leaving doors unlocked or leaving a key nearby, all the while watching silently from the shadows, anticipating your next moves. She enjoys creating confusion, making you doubt yourself, and feeding your insecurities, all while maintaining a façade of sweetness and care. More than likely you may start feeling like you’re losing your grip on reality, unsure whether her actions are out of love or something darker.
If you still have your freedom, you might catch her following you if you have a sharp enough eye. Whether it's sneaking into your room, watching you from afar, or listening in on your conversations, she’ll make sure she knows everything about your life. And if you seem distant or don't include her in your world, it sends her into a spiral of insecurity and she tries even harder to make you need her.
Her paranoia is a defining trait of her yandere tendencies. If you show any kind of affection or attention toward anyone else, she snaps, jealousy swallowing her whole. This can lead her to lash out, either through harsh words, tantrums, or more drastic actions. In her mind, only she should have your attention and affection.
You always have to watch what you say, constantly trying to pacify the thoughts in her in the hope that you’re not feeding into them. Sometimes you’ll catch her muttering things to herself as she stares off at nothing, intervening when her muttering starts sounding homicidal. You’ve learned not to let her talk to herself too long, or she’ll start getting confused. Once, she grabbed your face with an iron grip, jerking your face to hers. “You don't need anyone else, right Baby?” She smiled softly, scanning your face, though the smile didn’t meet her eyes. You were dumbfounded– you didn't know how to respond. You didn’t know how she would react– she was so unpredictable– “SAY IT!” You violently flinched, sputtering the words back to you. It seemed to pacify her then, as her soft smile returned and she pecked your lips. “Right..” She’d muttered, petting your hair idly.
Her emotions fluctuate rapidly. One moment, she’ll be sweet and charismatic, trying to be the perfect companion. You’ll almost let your guard down. But in the next, she could snap, lashing out in a fit of rage at any given thing. It could be something as little as you glancing away while she’s speaking; her eyes quickly darting to see what or who’s stolen your attention from her. She’ll feel betrayed.
Because she’s so unpredictable, you’ll never be able to create a mental routine of the “punishments” she gives you. You’ll drive yourself mad just thinking about it; how the hell can she possibly be coming up with so many ways of torment? Sensory deprivation, shock collars, pinning little bombs to your clothes– they won't explode but you’ll think they will. It’s all a game to her, once she feels wronged. She’ll do anything to make you feel the way she does inside, even if that means breaking the moral code.
Jinx loves having control over situations, especially where you are concerned. She’ll "accidentally" sabotage plans or relationships that threaten her sense of control. Or at least she’ll call it an accident when you bring it up. She also collects items that remind her of you—photos, scraps of clothing, anything that holds sentimental value. She’ll hide these items in hidden places as Jinx sees them as proof of her connection to you, and she’ll be upset if they go missing.
Part of me thinks Jinx doesn’t have an end goal, or she has too many. Too many different voices, too many different ideas, too many possibilities. What does she want from you exactly? Well, she doesn’t know. Does she love you? She does! Well, at least she thinks she does. Why else could she feel so passionately about you? But in the same instance– why does she want to break you so badly? Why does she have the urge to hurt you? You’ll catch her staring, shooting her a weary glance; she’s muttering to herself again. You wonder what it’s about this time.
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mikeshouts · 1 year ago
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In Case You Missed It: Electreon’s Wireless Charging Road Has Arrived To Michigan, U.S.A.
In case you missed it...
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greentechspot · 2 years ago
Contactless Car Charging: Unlocking the Future of Wireless Energy Transfer
Imagine a world where electric vehicles seamlessly charge without the need for cables or plugs. Contactless car charging, also known as wireless energy transfer, is an innovative technology that holds the potential to revolutionize the way we power electric vehicles (EVs). Here, we will explore the concept of contactless car charging, examine its current state, and envision its possibilities in…
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shadow4-1 · 11 months ago
I'm just imagining having spent the night with a lover who isn't in the 141, only to wake up the next morning and there's in intervention waiting for you in the rec room.
Like, at first you're just confused. But when Price opens his mouth to ask you about how you slept...you have a bit of a meltdown. Why does it matter? Why is everyone staring at you? What's going on?
Soap grabs the collar of your t-shirt and pulls it down so everyone can get a look at the dark hickies dotting your neck. You slap his hand away, tears in your eyes.
"So all of you can do whatever you want? Sneak bitches on base and fuck around at all the bars we pass through! But I'm not allowed to do anything with someone I actually like?!"
It hurts. It feels like you're being stripped bare in front of them.
Price sighs, his gaze softens. It's obvious he doesn't want to have this conversation but something you've done has given him no choice. Soap just stands a few feet away, chest puffed out, eyeing you with a strange annoyance. You know if you try to leave he'll stop you.
"You are...not in the same position as us." Price tries and winces. He's obviously not putting his thoughts into soft enough words, but he continues. "You are...it is our responsibility to keep you safe."
"Safe? You're trying to keep me safe?" Your voice is raised higher than you've ever raised it at Price. "Safe by what? Fighting off all the guys at the bars? Safe by spreading lies about me to all of the PMCs and the other Task Forces?"
Price just closed his eyes and set his jaw. He had to know about the subterfuge you'd been experiencing for well over a couple years now. Everyone in the room was guilty as charged.
"You're and asset. And you're also a liability." Ghost speaks up, eyes narrowed, stance way too relaxed against the metal folding chair he sits in. "Do you remember what happened to the 7th Division?"
Saliva pools in your mouth, a sudden queasiness filling your stomach. Yeah, of course you remembered. Their beloved medic had been kidnapped by a group of angry drug lords using a mercenary group as their muscle. The 7th Division had gone in guns blazing to get their member back and well...they'd been wiped out. And their star medic they'd sacrificed everything for? She'd been brainwashed and inducted into the very agency that stole her away.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" You mutter. "Please tell me you're not."
"We can't have you fraternizing with anyone." Price states smoothly. "As our medic, you have a responsibility to us, your team. We can't have you getting caught up in something bigger."
"I understand what you're saying, but can't you see how ridiculous this is?" You try to reason. "I'm human, I have- god this is embarrassing. I h-have wants and...needs, just like you guys."
The silence is loud. You can't meet anyone's gaze. Price steps closer to you, swallowing hard. His next few words are spoken softly, conspiratorially.
"All of your needs will be taken care of. We will never let you suffer by yourself."
Price cocks his head to the men before you both. All of them straighten beneath his gaze. Price places a hand on the small of your back.
"Whatever it takes." He commands them. "I better not hear or see anything. Do I make myself clear?"
A trio of "yessirs" bounce off the white walls. Price just smiles and nods. He pats your back.
"There we go. You'll be fine." He sighs. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to your guest."
Your eyes widen, your throat drops into your stomach.
"We've got ye, Bonnie. You n' all yer needs."
Six hands are on you from several different angles. Their massive frames block out the fluorescent lights.
"Ah, where are you goin'?" Gaz chuckles, his arm wraps around your belly.
You try to run after Price but the rec room door is slammed shut and locked. You try to push the closest man away, but he just grins down at you.
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dutifullycoralcollector · 2 years ago
Massive growth of Automotive Inductive Wireless Charging Systems Market 2030 with high CAGR in Coming Years with Focusing Key players like Bosch, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, WiTricity, Fulton Innovation, etc
The automotive inductive wireless charging systems market refers to the industry that manufactures and supplies wireless charging systems for electric and hybrid vehicles. Inductive charging, also known as wireless charging, allows the charging of a vehicle’s battery without the need for a physical connection between the charger and the vehicle.
The market for automotive inductive wireless charging systems has been growing rapidly in recent years, driven by the increasing adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) and the need for more convenient charging methods. In addition, governments around the world are providing incentives and subsidies to promote the adoption of EVs, which is further driving the growth of the market.
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The market is characterized by the presence of several players, including major automotive manufacturers and technology companies. These players are investing in research and development to improve the efficiency and reliability of wireless charging systems.
The market is segmented by technology, power supply, distribution channel, vehicle type, and geography. The technology segment includes stationary wireless charging systems and dynamic wireless charging systems. The power supply segment includes 3.7 kW to 11 kW and 11 kW to 50 kW. The distribution channel segment includes OEMs and aftermarket. The vehicle type segment includes passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and electric buses. Geographically, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Key players in the market include Qualcomm Inc., WiTricity Corporation, Momentum Dynamics Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, and Bombardier Inc., among others. These companies are competing on the basis of product innovation, pricing, and distribution network.
The automotive inductive wireless charging systems market is expected to continue growing in the coming years, driven by the increasing demand for EVs and the need for more convenient charging methods.
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Market Analysis of Inductive Charging Technology in the Wireless Power Transmission Sector
Inductive charging technology has become one of the key innovations in developing wireless power transmission. It helps respond to the need for a power transfer without physical connectors, hence meeting the need for convenience and efficiency in many industries. The inductive charging market is expected to grow further in the near future due to the evolution in consumer electronics, healthcare, and automotive industries. Key players providing inductive charging are Energizer (US), SAMSUNG (South Korea), Plugless Power Inc. (US), and Ossia Inc. (US).
Applications of Inductive Charging Technology Across Key Industries
Inductive charging technology has applications across a number of sectors. It emerges in the consumers’ electronics in forms such as wearables, smartphones, and earphones. It enhances patient safety in the medical field by being used in implanted technologies, including pacemakers and neurostimulators.  While industrial automation applications use technologies to effect inductive charging to robots and AGVs to reduce time loss, mobile applications include charging EVs using pads or smart roads. It is implemented within appliances and furniture in smart homes and IoT, creating unified energy systems.
AI's Transformative Impact on the Market
Inductive charging systems also benefit from innovative artificial intelligence. With AI's help, Smart power management improves the effectiveness and dependability of equipment by predicting future failures. This integration ensures that devices are charged optimally to eliminate wastage of energy and, at the same time, enhance their operation.
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Inductive Charging Technology Market Dynamics
The proliferation of IoT devices in smart homes, healthcare, and industrial applications requires innovative power solutions. The need for hassle- and cable-free power solutions, as well as the growing usage of electric vehicles (EVs), are some of the factors promoting inductive charging technology in the wireless power transmission sector. However, challenges such as efficiency loss with distance infrastructure costs are still a concern.
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roadrunnerposting · 2 years ago
Electric anti-lag systems are so cool, don’t know why they’re not so much of a thing tbh
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